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Samantha Cameron
Founder of Sama Wellbeing

Sam is an Exercise Physiologist and Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher + the founder of Sama Wellbeing. Utilising her knowledge of both western science and eastern practices, Sam provides an integrated approach to physical, mental and emotional rehabilitation. Guiding and teaching others to harness the tools of movement, yoga postures, meditation, breathing and knowledge, Sam allows those who learn from her the ability to expand their understanding of their own self, becoming their own teacher. 

The word 'Sama' comes from the yogic language of Sanskrit, meaning to find balance, to be equal or to find calm. This is Sam's foundational value within her approach, both personally and professionally. 

Working with the physical body, the power of movement has profound positive impacts on mental wellbeing and the nervous system, which are two key components Sam always work with; this is where the balance is vital.


Stemming from personal experience, understanding and a true interest, Sam has a large area of passion in fatigue related conditions and mental health. 

As a grounded, down to earth, hiking and outdoors enthusiast, Sam often uses green and blue space (mountainous areas and the ocean etc) within her sessions when possible, and additionally to bring likeminded individuals together to connect, improve mental wellbeing and to move outdoors.

Main conditions worked with (but not limited to):

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia POTS

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis 

  • Anxiety / Depression 

  • PTSD /Complex Trauma 

  • Yoga practitioner injury management

  • Athlete wellness

  • Musculoskeletal injuries


Formal Education: 

Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology + Exercise Science

585hr Yoga Teacher in Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Yin, Prenatal/Postnatal, Meditation, Pranayama, Mental Health and Trauma Informed Practice

Level 1 Mat Pilates Instructor

Currently - Further 300hrs in Yoga Teacher Training (October - November 2022)

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